Local ranchers

The beef industry in the United States has been around for centuries, but within the last 60 years we have seen a transformation away from a locally raised system and into a centralized and industrialized system. We want to be a part of the change that brings back our local food and puts power back in the hands of the ranchers and farmers.

We believe in building back the community, the soil and ranching & farming families. We want to restore the connection between the buyer and the grower of food.

Sourcing food for our local communities from our local communities is the cornerstone of what we look to achieve.

There will be a rotating program of different ranches and farms providing their products and we thoroughly vet each and every one to ensure they live up to the standard we all should expect in our food.

Local beef ranchers

The history of ranching in San Luis Obispo is rich with families who have been here for generations. The Sinton family of the Avenales and Canyon Ranches in Pozo and Shandon are on generation number 6. Stewarding the land for nearly 150 years. They are certified Organic and Humane (GAP4) as well as a member of the Audubon Conservation Ranching - named as the most bird-friendly ranch in the United States. Find out more at Avenales Ranch.

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Local lamb ranchers

Outlaw Valley Ranch and the Karol family is committed to the regenerative effects that grazing animals have on rangeland. They believe that grazing has the ability to reduce greenhouse gasses by sequestering carbon and improve the soil, all while providing healthy nutrient-dense meat for humans. Learn why their lamb (and beef) is different at Outlaw Valley Ranch.

Local pRovisions

There are so many wonderful providers of different provisions across this part of California and we are thrilled to provide a place for all of these folks to showcase their love filled products. Creston Bee Co. is a great example of one of those with their locally grown honey.